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AWF Major Accomplishments
Exceeded the 2023 Projected Budget by $65,187 (17.38%).
Paid off the church’s mortgage and deposited $44,336 in the church’s Reserve Savings Account.
Disbursed $19,460 in Missions and Benevolence assistance.
Continued a “Live Stream” for Sunday Worship Services and a Zoom Bible Teaching session on Wednesdays.
Honored 2 graduates (1 high school and 1 college), with gifts and financial stipends.
Initiated a “Confidential Pastoral Counseling” Ministry.
Provided school supplies and book bags for foster children--through our Foster Care Ministry--in partnership with Wake County Child Welfare.
Provided $50 gift cards to all widows and single parents in the church for Thanksgiving.
Provided $75 gift cards to all widows and single parents in the church for Christmas.
Sponsored monthly Health Awareness Sundays featuring both in-house and a guest speaker.
Sponsored one Internship for Alternative Career Pathways, Inc. and provided monthly mission donations to Synergy Counseling.
Provided monthly missions donations to help support our indigenous pastor and his family in Eldoret, Kenya.
- Donated monthly support and provided Christmas gifts to our sponsored orphan at the GFE orphanage in Eldoret, Kenya.
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